Swallow [verb]

Definition of Swallow:


Synonyms of Swallow:

Opposite/Antonyms of Swallow:

Sentence/Example of Swallow:

Andrew paused in the shallows to allow Sally one swallow; then he went on.

And the amount of stories Mark, with all his contemplativeness could swallow, was amazing.

Again, Garson was forced to wet his lips with a dry tongue, and to swallow painfully.

He was just in time to swallow a hurried meal and set off to the theatre with the Creams.

And yet you have only skimmed the beautiful river's surface as a swallow skims a lake.

The intention, evidently, was to swallow us all in the enormous maw of the British navy.

I treated them to a breakfast each, and gave them as much to drink as they could swallow.

And as Corkran would have said, it takes more than one swallow to make a speech.

All at once, his hunger left him and he forgot that he ever wanted to swallow anything.

He takes it for granted I swallow whole everything he says and does—but I don't.