Truck [noun]

Definition of Truck:

commerce, merchandise

Synonyms of Truck:

Opposite/Antonyms of Truck:


Sentence/Example of Truck:

Give him that truck you've been pouring down me for the last week.

The porter wheeled a truck, bearing John's trunk and bag, up to them as he spoke.

They all look alike to me, I must admit; I never had any truck with 'em.

Don't pay to have any truck with 'em while you feel that way about it.

And then under went the truck that Andy had run to borrow, and the stove was out.

The faint sound was not as impressive as the sight of a truck.

The Americans took their place in the midst of the guard and were marched to the truck.

Panic seized the Russians and they made a rush for their truck.

As the Russians approached, one of them stepped to the truck crank.

The robot was standing here waiting for me to park the truck.