Warrant [noun]

Definition of Warrant:


Opposite/Antonyms of Warrant:

Sentence/Example of Warrant:

"If your cask is leer, I warrant your purse is full, gaffer," shouted Hordle John.

"If you will warrant the beer, I will warrant the throat," said John composedly.

I'll warrant you have lost a dozen between Mallory's and here.

Again Kitty nodded, after looking up at him in alarm when he spoke of the warrant.

But I'll warrant you there's a kitchen garden in the rear of the palace.

A warrant was made out, and he was forthwith sent to the jail.

The signs of the times now warrant the hope of its fulfilment.

"The Bannister warrant is still out for you," returned the man.

If she gits a premium for puttin' up gardin-sass, I'll warrant there'll be a to-do.

Well, I may tell you that I have a warrant to arrest him on a charge of arson.