Wind [noun]

Definition of Wind:

air currents

Synonyms of Wind:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wind:


Sentence/Example of Wind:

The spirit of the strong man was moved, and he trembled like a leaf shaken by the wind.

But the upper edges are ragged, torn by a wind not yet felt below.

The wind was strong from the westward, accompanied with light showers all day.

It faded soon into a gray fog, with puffs of wind from the southwest again.

Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations.

The distant sound of a church-clock is borne faintly on the wind.

There was no danger of discovery on his approach, for it was a wild night of wind and rain.

And they came like the wind, yelling at the sight of their quarry.

Now the wind came like a wolf down the Murchison Pass, howling and moaning.

The wind was high, but the sun bright, and the snow thawing.