Wood [noun]

Definition of Wood:


Synonyms of Wood:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wood:


Sentence/Example of Wood:

A party of fugitives were to meet her in a wood, that she might conduct them North.

It left three deep dents in the wood, and the door was kicked open again.

I dismounted, and went forward to strike it with a piece of wood.

But is there no gate because we find none on the edge of the wood where it seemed to lie?

I can but see an old rusty nail, with bits of stone and slips of wood.

In using this device, only a coal or a wood stove is practical.

What are these bits of stone, and of wood, and rusted nails, which are set out in front of him?

Such is the story of the hole which you have marked, and of the smudge upon the wood.

All the wood knew, and the Indians knew, but not the Spaniards.

He could smell Indians in hiding and wood smoke three leagues away.