prosaic [adjective]

Definition of prosaic:

lacking wit or imagination


having or using the style or diction of prose as opposed to poetry.

lacking imaginativeness or originality.

Opposite/Antonyms of prosaic:

Sentence/Example of prosaic:

Prosaic people would say "melted snow water," but Hans Andersen would have known better than that.

Prosaic needles and thread assumed a mysterious charm in the dimpled hands of the girl he loved.

In Prosaic Misunderstandings he makes us realise precisely what we mean by religion.

Prosaic cow-punching was relegated to the rear and they looked eagerly forward to their several missions.

Prosaic critics point out that such bowers were used as isolation huts for suspected cases.

Prosaic commentators are always asking, Who is meant by a poet, as though a poem were a legal document.

Prosaic, unimaged, without poetry or myth, they dully persisted until pedlars appeared with Hellenic legends and wares.

Prosaic as these journeys may seem, they are nevertheless the inspiration of my hopes, the feeders of my visions.

Prosaic enough, however, was what she went on to tell him of her struggle for life by day and for learning by night.

Two Prosaic Persons come upon a little picture, by Mr. Swan, of a boy lying on a rock, piping to fishes.