Peruse [verb]

Definition of Peruse:

check out; examine

Synonyms of Peruse:

Opposite/Antonyms of Peruse:

Sentence/Example of Peruse:

Let no man thinke this to be strange, but peruse and consider the reason.

He took it hastily, and drew nigh to the lantern to peruse it.

Sir Arthur put on his spectacles leisurely, and began to peruse it.

With the rapidity of lightning he seemed to peruse the lines.

With a feeling of dread for which I could not account, I hastened to peruse it.

She had resumed her book on his first appearance, and continued to peruse its pages.

The book of nature is open before them, but they are unable to peruse it.

A constantly increasing pleasure as you peruse page after page.

These were old sheets, and contained nothing which they cared to peruse.

In a dazed, half-conscious way I turned to peruse the notebook.