Placid [adjective]

Definition of Placid:

calm, mild

Synonyms of Placid:

Opposite/Antonyms of Placid:

Sentence/Example of Placid:

By degrees the placid influence of her friend calmed her perturbed spirit.

It had the pure and placid expression of the human soul, when it dwells in love and peace.

They were a phlegmatic race, placid, unimaginative, reposeful.

“A fair-haired fellow,” the last observed in a placid tone, and paused.

Dilly took her placid companion by the arm, and hurried her on.

Mr Casby shook his head, in Placid and benignant generality.

But, placid as she was, my mother was authoritative, and could not endure any kind of constraint.

Again did Stefana assume an expression of placid satisfaction.

She was rosy and placid as the apple she was generally eating when not in class.

"Ticket to Placid Pond, please," she said, when her turn came.