Sprawl [verb]

Definition of Sprawl:

sit or lie spread out

Synonyms of Sprawl:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sprawl:

Sentence/Example of Sprawl:

I can sprawl on that seaweed and be as comfortable as a gull on a clam flat.

Once aboard, he fell in a sprawl on the boat's bottom, breathing heavily.

We'd go a few steps, y'u know, 'n' then sprawl all over oursel's.

They wander about and sprawl in the shade of fine old trees.

Keep your horse well in hand all through, that he may not sprawl.

Losing all sense of caution, he would begin to sprawl upon the ice.

Sprawl was silent for a minute, and then handed him the return.

Sprawl took a long squint first, and then handed the glass to me.

Stephen stands at the pianola on which sprawl his hat and ashplant.

Hence Christian was left to sprawl in the Slough of Despond.